Vandermark Creek is a small tributary of the upper Genesee River, which it joins near Route 19 in Scio. The stream ranges from about 6 to 12 feet in width and has a gravel and cobble bottom and good water quality. Much of the stream flows through Vandermark State Forest, which provides a lot of habitat for adult trout. This stream does not have any significant tributaries, and some sections are reduced to barely a trickle during dry summers.
Vandermark Creek was removed from the trout stocking list in 2023. A small number of wild brook trout are still present in the stream in the roughly 2-mile-long section between the crossing of Vandermark Road near Duke Road and the crossing where the stream exits the forest. (The map pin is located on the informal parking area along Vandermark Road just south of Duke Road.) However, their numbers have declined in recent years due to the presence of beaver ponds in the state forest, which can warm a stream and and cause the buildup of silt (see photos). However, beavers can also be benificial to a trout stream. The ponds they create allow water to percolate into the ground rather than simply flowing away, helping to recharge the aquifers that supply streams with cold, clean water. On Vandermark Creek, at least within the state forest, some old and new beaver ponds are creating essential trout habitat.
For an interesting article on brook trout and beavers in Vandermark Creek, see "Brook Trout and Beaver Dams" under Links. The article was written by Walt Franklin, a naturalist, educator, and gifted nature writer from Rexville, New York.
See Location Map.
Road Access:
Boat Launch Site(s):
None.Management Category: Inland Trout Stream, Wild/Uncategorized
Fish Species:
Stocking Information: Not stocked.
Special Fishing Regulations: None. Statewide inland trout stream regulations apply.